Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

Wow! eBook: OpenCL Parallel Programming Development Cookbook - 5 new eBooks

Wow! eBook: OpenCL Parallel Programming Development Cookbook - 5 new eBooks

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OpenCL Parallel Programming Development Cookbook

Posted: 21 Jan 2014 03:56 AM PST

Book Description

OpenCL (Open Computing Language) is the first royalty-free standard for cross platform, parallel programming of modern processors found in personal computers, servers, mobiles, and embedded devices. OpenCL greatly improves speed and responsiveness for a wide spectrum of applications in numerous market categories, from gaming and entertainment to scientific and medical software. OpenCL has proved itself to be versatile in that it now runs on not only operating systems like Windows and Linux powered by Intel and AMD processors, but also on low power chips like ARM, and it has also been adopted by processor manufacturers like ARM Corp, Vivante, and Altera, among others.

OpenCL Parallel Programming Development Cookbook was designed to be practical so that we achieve a good balance between theory and application. Learning to program in a parallel way is relatively easy, but to be able to take advantage of all of the resources available to you efficiently is quite different. You need to be shown not only application, but also the theory behind it.

This book is roughly in two parts, where the first part is the fundamentals of OpenCL parallel development and the second part is the various algorithms we will explore with you. Each part is packed with many code samples and illustrations to demonstrate various concepts. The first part is essential for a beginner to not only program in parallel, but also to think in parallel and become equipped with the mental model with which to tackle parallel programming. The second part consists of seven different algorithms that the author has identified; you will learn various parallel programming techniques that experts have used in the past 60 years that are applicable to OpenCL.

This book will demonstrate how you think in parallel by illustrating and demonstrating programming techniques like data partitioning, thread coarsening, register tiling, data pre-fetching, and algorithm transformation. These techniques are demonstrated in the seven algorithms you'll be shown, from image processing and solving sparse linear systems to in-memory sorting.
OpenCL Parallel Programming Development Cookbook combines recipes, illustrations, code, and explanations to allow you to learn the essentials of parallel programming in OpenCL, and the author has added in enough math so that the readers understand the motivation and can also lay the foundation upon which they will begin their own exploration.

What you will learn from this book

  • How to use OpenCL
  • Understand data partitioning and transfers in OpenCL
  • Understand OpenCL data types
  • Learn about OpenCL functions including math, atomic, threading model, data transfer, and so on
  • Develop a histogram in OpenCL
  • Learn how to develop Sobel edge detection in OpenCL for image processing
  • Develop the Matrix Multiplication and the Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication in OpenCL
  • Learn to develop Bitonic sort and Radix sort in OpenCL

OpenCL Parallel Programming Development Cookbook will provide a set of advanced recipes that can be utilized to optimize existing code. This book is therefore ideal for experienced developers with a working knowledge of C/C++ and OpenCL.

Who this book is for
This book is intended for software developers who have often wondered what to do with that newly bought CPU or GPU they bought other than using it for playing computer games; this book is also for developers who have a working knowledge of C/C++ and who want to learn how to write parallel programs in OpenCL so that life isn't too boring.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 302 pages
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing (August 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1849694524
  • ISBN-13: 978-1849694520
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Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook

Posted: 21 Jan 2014 03:51 AM PST

Book Description

Irrespective of whether you’re a systems administrator or a developer, if you’re sick and tired of repetitive manual work and not knowing whether you may dare to reboot your server, it’s time for you to get your infrastructure automated.

Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook has all the required recipes to configure, deploy, and scale your servers and applications, irrespective of whether you manage 5 servers, 5,000 servers, or 500,000 servers.

Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook is a collection of easy-to-follow, step-by-step recipes showing you how to solve real-world automation challenges. Learn techniques from the pros and make sure you get your infrastructure automation project right the first time.

Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook takes you on a journey through the many facets of Chef. It teaches you simple techniques as well as fully fledged real-world solutions. By looking at easily digestible examples, you’ll be able to grasp the main concepts of Chef, which you’ll need for automating your own infrastructure. Instead of wasting time trying to get existing community cookbooks running in your environment, you’ll get ready made code examples to get you started.

After describing how to use the basic Chef tools, the book shows you how to troubleshoot your work and explains the Chef language. Then, it shows you how to manage users, applications, and your whole cloud infrastructure. The book concludes by providing you additional, indispensable tools and giving you an in-depth look into the Chef ecosystem.

Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook will help you learn the techniques of the pros by walking you through a host of step-by-step guides to solve real-world infrastructure automation challenges.

What you will learn from this book

  • Define your infrastructure as code with Chef
  • Set up your local development and testing environment for Chef with cookbooks and Vagrant
  • Debug your cookbooks and Chef runs by using the numerous inspection and logging facilities of Chef
  • Write clean and maintainable cookbooks by following established coding standards and patterns
  • Drive your cookbooks from external data or node specific attributes by using data bags and search
  • Manage and scale your cloud infrastructure by automating your configuration management
  • Extend Chef to meet your advanced needs by creating custom plugins for Knife and Ohai
  • Test your Chef cookbooks and infrastructure by writing examples using Chef’s testing infrastructure

Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook contains practical recipes on everything you will need to automate your infrastructure using Chef. The book is packed with illustrated code examples to automate your server and cloud infrastructure.

The book first shows you the simplest way to achieve a certain task. Then it explains every step in detail, so that you can build your knowledge about how things work. Eventually, the book shows you additional things to consider for each approach. That way, you can learn step-by-step and build profound knowledge on how to go about your configuration management automation.

Who this book is for
This book is for system engineers and administrators who have a fundamental understanding of information management systems and infrastructure. It helps if you’ve already played around with Chef; however, the book covers all the important topics you will need to know. If you don’t want to dig through a whole book before you can get started, this book is for you, as it features a set of independent recipes you can try out immediately.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 276 pages
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing (August 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1849519226
  • ISBN-13: 978-1849519229
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Related Books

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Scaling Big Data with Hadoop and Solr

Posted: 21 Jan 2014 03:48 AM PST

Book Description

As data grows exponentially day-by-day, extracting information becomes a tedious activity in itself. Technologies like Hadoop are trying to address some of the concerns, while Solr provides high-speed faceted search. Bringing these two technologies together is helping organizations resolve the problem of information extraction from Big Data by providing excellent distributed faceted search capabilities.

Scaling Big Data with Hadoop and Solr is a step-by-step guide that helps you build high performance enterprise search engines while scaling data. Starting with the basics of Apache Hadoop and Solr, this book then dives into advanced topics of optimizing search with some interesting real-world use cases and sample Java code.

Scaling Big Data with Hadoop and Solr starts by teaching you the basics of Big Data technologies including Hadoop and its ecosystem and Apache Solr. It explains the different approaches of scaling Big Data with Hadoop and Solr, with discussion regarding the applicability, benefits, and drawbacks of each approach. It then walks readers through how sharding and indexing can be performed on Big Data followed by the performance optimization of Big Data search. Finally, it covers some real-world use cases for Big Data scaling.

With this book, you will learn everything you need to know to build a distributed enterprise search platform as well as how to optimize this search to a greater extent resulting in maximum utilization of available resources.

What you will learn from this book

  • Understand Apache Hadoop, its ecosystem, and Apache Solr
  • Learn different industry-based architectures while designing Big Data enterprise search and understand their applicability and benefits
  • Write map/reduce tasks for indexing your data
  • Fine-tune the performance of your Big Data search while scaling your data
  • Increase your awareness of new technologies available today in the market that provide you with Hadoop and Solr
  • Use Solr as a NOSQL database
  • Configure your Big Data instance to perform in the real world
  • Address the key features of a distributed Big Data system such as ensuring high availability and reliability of your instances
  • Integrate Hadoop and Solr together in your industry by means of use cases

This book is a step-by-step tutorial that will enable you to leverage the flexible search functionality of Apache Solr together with the Big Data power of Apache Hadoop.

Who this book is written for
Scaling Big Data with Hadoop and Solr provides guidance to developers who wish to build high-speed enterprise search platforms using Hadoop and Solr. This book is primarily aimed at Java programmers who wish to extend the Hadoop platform to make it run as an enterprise search without any prior knowledge of Apache Hadoop and Solr.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 144 pages
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing (August 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1783281375
  • ISBN-13: 978-1783281374
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Related Books

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CoffeeScript Application Development

Posted: 21 Jan 2014 03:45 AM PST

Book Description

JavaScript is becoming one of the key languages in web development. It is now more important than ever across a growing list of platforms. CoffeeScript puts the fun back into JavaScript programming with elegant syntax and powerful features.

CoffeeScript Application Development will give you an in-depth look at the CoffeeScript language, all while building a working web application. Along the way, you’ll see all the great features CoffeeScript has to offer, and learn how to use them to deal with real problems like sprawling codebases, incomplete data, and asynchronous web requests.

Through the course of this book you will learn the CoffeeScript syntax and see it demonstrated with simple examples. As you go, you’ll put your new skills into practice by building a web application, piece by piece. You’ll start with standard language features such as loops, functions, and string manipulation. Then, we'll delve into advanced features like classes and inheritance. Learn advanced idioms to deal with common occurrences like external web requests, and hone your technique for development tasks like debugging and refactoring.

CoffeeScript Application Development will teach you not only how to write CoffeeScript, but also how to build solid applications that run smoothly and are a pleasure to maintain.

What you will learn from this book

  • Write CoffeeScript everywhere, and compile it to JavaScript that can run anywhere
  • Discover techniques to manage a complicated codebase and ever-changing requirements
  • Drop the semicolons with CoffeeScript’s clean, powerful syntax
  • Build for loops, if statements, and functions without all the extra keystrokes
  • Keep your code clean and organized with classes and inheritance
  • Use advanced CoffeeScript idioms to deal with the needs of a growing application
  • Debug effectively with source maps
  • Integrate CoffeeScript into your project seamlessly with Rails, Brunch, and other web frameworks
  • Utilize CoffeeScript for server-side software with Node.js

CoffeeScript Application Development is a practical, hands-on guide with step-by-step instructions. Follow the smooth and easy tutorial approach, covering examples that build in complexity. By the final chapter you’ll be wondering why you didn’t try CoffeeScript sooner.

Who this book is written for
If you are a JavaScript developer who wants to save time and add power to your code, then this is the book that will help you do it. With minimal fuss you will learn a whole new language which will reduce your application development time from weeks to days.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 258 pages
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing (August 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1782162666
  • ISBN-13: 978-1782162667
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Related Books

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Mongoose for Application Development

Posted: 21 Jan 2014 03:42 AM PST

Book Description

Mongoose is all about putting the data model where it should be: in your application. You can control everything from within your application in JavaScript, eliminating the need to work with the database or a separate management system.

Mongoose for Application Development is a practical, hands-on guide that takes you from installing the technology stack through the steps of developing a web application. It covers the key features of Mongoose and how to use them to rapidly develop a Node.js and MongoDB application.

This book introduces the full technology stack of Node.js, MongoDB, Express, and Mongoose. It will take you through the process of building an application on this stack with a focus on how Mongoose makes the process quicker and easier.

You will see how Mongoose removes a layer of complexity when dealing with MongoDB whilst giving you more control over your data from your application. You will learn how to define schemas and models for your data in JavaScript. Using these schemas and models, you will learn how to build the cornerstone of any web application that will include CRUD operations (creating, reading, updating, and deleting data). If you want to learn how to build applications quickly and efficiently using Node.js, then Mongoose and this book are ideal for you.

Using practical examples throughout, Mongoose for Application Development not only teaches you about the concepts of Mongoose, but walks through how to use them to build a real-life application.

What you will learn from this book

  • Learn the different methods of using Mongoose to connect to a database
  • Learn to define schemas and building data models
  • Interact with data using schema methods
  • Create databases, collections, and data
  • Query the database to find specific data
  • Edit, save, and delete data
  • Validate data using Mongoose validators
  • Use population to link datasets
  • Use sub-documents and nested schemas to provide data depth
  • Get to grips with code efficiency through re-usable plugins

This book is a mini tutorial full of code examples and strategies to give you plenty of options when building your own applications with MongoDB.

Who this book is written for
This book is ideal for people who want to develop applications on the Node.js stack quickly and efficiently. Prior knowledge of the stack is not essential as the book briefly covers the installation of the core components and builds all aspects of the example application. The focus of the book is on what Mongoose adds to you applications, so experienced Node.js developers will also benefit.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 142 pages
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing (August 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1782168192
  • ISBN-13: 978-1782168195
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Related Books

The post Mongoose for Application Development appeared first on Wow! eBook.

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