Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

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22 Main Struggles of Reading and How To Avoid Them

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 06:11 AM PDT

“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” – Groucho Marx

Like everything else in this world, even with reading, people tend to struggle getting through it. Some might have concentration issues or some would call it reader’s block. If you’re facing difficulty finishing that book you’ve been reading for what you could’ve labeled as eternity, this article might do the trick to get things moving at a right direction.

Let’s read!

22 Main Struggles of Reading and How To Avoid Them

  1. Page count I don’t know why but I’m always looking at the page count. What helped me with that is I found a eBook reader that I can turn the page count off so I can actually focus on the book and not how far I have made it.
  2. Staying awake!! This may be obvious, but your brain associates your bed with sleeping, so if you try reading somewhere else, you might not get so tired.
  3. I will sometimes get impatient while I’m reading and start sort of skipping ahead. My eyes will glance over words, decide that they aren’t that important to the story and I’m trying to hurry myself to find out what happens next and so I start to skim over sentences without really taking the time to take them in.
  4. Focusing too much time on your smartphone / tablet / laptop researching for more books to read. Once I realize how much reading time has been wasted, I start reading much faster than I should & my comprehension plummets, which leads to re-reading paragraphs/pages. Moral of the story is I really need to unplug from my distractions.
  5. Reading on a tablet / smartphone, which has tones of other apps / distractions
  6. Not unpluggin yourself from the tv and internet.
  7. Trying reading something that you don’t like reading.
  8. Procrastination, just collecting books but not reading them.
  9. Trying to remember all the characters’ names and not the story
  10. Over imagining things, too attentive to the tiniest of details – like how big is a room and the amount of windows in it, how many people are involved in a fighting scene, etc.
  11. Not searching for the right environment
  12. Trying too hard to read too fast, read at your most comfortable speed. No point finishing fast but not remembering anything.
  13. Reading when you’re tired.
  14. Jumping to a new book without finishing your current one.
  15. Getting too excited / anxious when approaching the next chapter or ending.
  16. Letting yourself to be distracted. You’ll tend to come across scenarios, even words which you can relate and suddenly your attention span goes down the drain.
  17. Not setting up yourself correctly for your reading session. If you still have some errands to run or things that you should be doing, get them done so that you’ll have a piece of mind when you start reading. If your mind is not set to read, chances are you’ll be distracted most of the time while reading.
  18. Easily influenced by other recommendations. As much as it helps with your next round of adventures, ultimately what you will enjoy reading will depend on you range of interest. Take recommendations as points of references but do not force yourself to read it just because it has good reviews.
  19. Giving up too soon. Let’s face it, not all of us are great readers with excellent reading comprehension. Takes too long to finish a book due to poor reading speed.
  20. Learning to let it go. If the book you’re reading doesn’t exactly suite your fancy, don’t push yourself too hard. Stop, let it rest and start with a new book.
  21. Not allowing yourself to express openly while reading. If you come across something funny, laugh. etc.
  22. Allowing yourself to succumb to peer pressure. If you’re within a group of friends or a reading club, always try to go at your own pace and make decisions based on your reading style and speed. Don’t feel pressured just because your reading buddies are reading way faster and more books than you and try to keep up with their pace only to get demotivated in the end of the day.

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