Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013

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The Great Gatsby

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 06:25 AM PDT

The Great Gatsby by Martin Cooper

The Great Gatsby

by Martin Cooper

The American classic of the Jazz Age.

Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
The Great Gatsby – 128 pages, 385 KB (EPUB, MOBI)

Items posted here are free at the time of posting. If you find they are no longer free, kindly notify us immediately through our contact form.

How To Write Lyrics: Tips From an Amateur

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 06:20 AM PDT

How To Write Lyrics: Tips from an amateur by Andrew Rightenburg

How To Write Lyrics: Tips from an amateur

by Andrew Rightenburg

My name is Andrew, I’ve been a lyricist for about 8 years now. I’m almost entirely self-taught. Most of what I’ve learned has been through a lot of ‘trial and error,’ independent study, and analysis of lyrics (whether they were written by me or other lyricists doesn’t matter)

Now, I’d like to share as much as possible with as many people as possible.

This book breaks down the bias of many lyricists today, and presents lyrics for what they are. Breaking them into categories, I give you multiple techniques, terms, advice and much more to help you as much as possible.

This isn’t a book that beats around the bush for 80 pages of fluff and then talks for 10 pages about something you no longer care about at that point. I’ve packed this entire book with tons of information that, I hope, is helpful to many beginner, intermediate and even advanced lyricists. This is exactly why it’s very short. I get straight to the point, say it clear and say it once. I recommend reading through twice to make sure you understand everything.

Although this book is more aimed towards Hip Hop lyricism, it should be applicable to almost any vocal genre of music. I don’t see how someone who is a rock or pop lyricist would not be able to use this to improve their lyrical ability and skill.

Keep in mind, I’m no scholar. Most of what is in this book was found by me through independent study. Anything that is not a theory of mine or idea of mine is properly cited so that you can see the ideas of more scholarly lyricists.

My aim here isn’t to be looked at as an ‘expert,’ because I’m not one. My aim is purely to help as many people with their lyrics as possible.

Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
How To Write Lyrics: Tips from an amateur – 28 pages, 163 KB (PDF)

Items posted here are free at the time of posting. If you find they are no longer free, kindly notify us immediately through our contact form.

Good gardening and Pole saw usage

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 06:15 AM PDT

Good gardening and Pole saw usage by Brad Farser

Good gardening and Pole saw usage

by Brad Farser

This book will give you 104 pages filled with interesting gardening tips. No ads or anything, 100% useful information to make you a garden expert. Don’t be mislead by the title of the book. Even if you are not interested in or do not own a pole saw, this book still holds a lot of useful tips for you.

Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Good gardening and Pole saw usage – 104 pages, 671 KB (PDF, DOC)

Items posted here are free at the time of posting. If you find they are no longer free, kindly notify us immediately through our contact form.

Henri Ville

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 06:11 AM PDT

Henri Ville by Matthew Christopher Benner

Henri Ville

by Matthew Christopher Benner

Henri Ville spends her time fighting to get home – fighting against the desire to give up, against the troubles filling every stopgap town and bar, even fighting against those whose lives she’s saved – but the harder Henri fights, the more ingrained in this vicious world she becomes…the further the wisps of home fade…

And the battles only grow larger.

An object of pursuit by gunslinger and lawman alike, it isn’t until a narrow escape from the gallows that Henri finds herself relentlessly hunted by the formidable Pastor Rigby Briarwood – a clever young Irishman fueled by Catholic faith and an unwavering commitment to destroy the demons that have thus far eluded God’s wrath.

With enough munitions to satisfy a military regiment and accompanied by a diverse group of drunks, cross-dressers, felons and worse, the gunslinger Henri Ville takes the first steps in her epic journey home…

Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Henri Ville – 248 pages, 2.578 MB (PDF, Kindle, EPUB, RTF, LRF, Palm Doc, TXT)

Items posted here are free at the time of posting. If you find they are no longer free, kindly notify us immediately through our contact form.

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